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Testing Web Application

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:47 pm
by dougmeil
OK, I've looked at that page.

What this feature allows is to do a cursory browser test at a login page of
a web-app (i.e., "this application supports X and Y browsers, but not Z").

I'm talking about actually testing application features running in said browsers. This is where we've gotten bitten. We thought we were compatible, but manual testing of these features had missed something.

Re: Testing Web Application

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:50 pm
by functionaltesting
Yes, that is what the example illustrates, but not that it does this
by pretending to BE the non-IE browser.

If you have eValid pretend to be browser A, then the server will
deliver pages to it that are tailored for browser A (assuming it LIKES
browser A, which in our example it does not). We've seen that
99% of the material is identical -- basic HTML -- independent of

The SaveFullHTML command will let you save the exact HTML delivered
to eValid (pretending to be A). You can compare the delivered HTML
(for A vs. IE or vs. B, etc.).

What we have heard that there is a BETTER philosophy: find and remove
cross-browser this case you engineer the "tricks" out
of the JavaScript so you center in on the common subset of known functionality.

The programmers hate this -- they want to exploit this little thing and
that little thing, but in spite of that at the end of the day
you have a version of your application that does not trip up when
the browser changes identity.

The movement clearly is in the direction of making the server response
abide by the common intersection of the most common browsers, and
having ONE browser (and IE clone; where IE = 85% of the market) confirm
correct operation by spoofing others is a distinct testing advantage.

The advantage is that, except for the SetAgent command (which can
be parameterized) the script is the same as you vary the browser

Re: Testing Web Application

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:58 pm
by adamer
After completing all internal proces Testing Web Application needs to make all coding perfect. Otherwise at the time of execution it creates may problems. to avoid this every steps must be perfect.