Warning Message

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Warning Message

Postby Sam08 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:02 pm

I don't understand the WARNING message. I made a simple script to validate
text on a page. And I get that warning even though it should have had
no errors.

It says the text does not match, but the text inside the quotes are
exactly the same.

=== Script File (if provided)===

2008/07/22 17:38:41 236 111 342 Project Scripts WebvisibleMaintenanceUsersSort
WARNING 30672 15 - Text " ILM Telesales Active" found at element 486,
offset 1537 does not match " ILM Telesales Active". Beginning adaptive action...
2008/07/22 17:38:41 237 111 342 Project Scripts WebvisibleMaintenanceUsersSort
WARNING 30672 0 - Adaptive Search: " ILM Telesales Active" found at
offset 1403 ( on specified element )
2008/07/22 17:38:41 238 111 342 Project Scripts WebvisibleMaintenanceUsersSort
WARNING 30672 0 15 Command completed: ValidateSelectedText

Please advise
Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:01 am

Re: Warning Message

Postby functionaltesting » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:04 pm

This appears to be a fragment of the eValid EventLog.

My reading of this is that the WARNINGS issued by evalid are indeed

The phrase " ILM Telesales Active" moved from 486: 1537 to 485: 1403
(the notation is "element: offset").

If you had NOT had AdaptivePlayback ON this would have been an ERROR...
remember, eValid is a regression engine!

Because AdaptivePlayback is ON (by default, you have to use
Adaptive OFF to disable it, which may choose to do), eValid found
that the required phrase was not where it was "before" (when you
made the recording), but correctly found the phrase left-shifted
in this case by 134 character positions (1537 - 1403).

Indeed, you are probably 100% correct: what appears on the
screen probably does indeed appear to be identical.

You didn't include the script, but I think if you check
carefully you'll see that eValid is correct.

eValid always issues WARNINGs when AdaptivePlayback compensates
for inconsequential web page changes.

Hope this is helpful.
eValid Tech Support Team
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:48 pm

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