Does eValid have a playback test summary

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Does eValid have a playback test summary

Postby JunnieC » Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:47 am


Does eValid have a way of summarizing a test playback?

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:43 am

Re: Does eValid have a playback test summary

Postby eValid » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:41 am

JunnieC wrote:Hi.

Does eValid have a way of summarizing a test playback?


Thanks for asking JunnieC.

The answer is called the "Playback Summary Table"

eValid provides an easy to read format for a summary that has just been completed.

The Playback Summary Table can be viewed upon completion of a playback to report details such as Timings, Script Command Details, and Download Details without having to browse through the log files.

1. In the "View Playback Data" Modal Dialog which appears at the end of each playback, check the "Playback Summary Table" Option at the bottom left part of the "View Playback Data" window.

2. Press "View Selections".

3. The Playback summary table is shown in HTML and can be saved for future reference.

The Playback Summary Table is useful for quickly identifying potential problems that may arise from the recently played back script.

Information displayed includes: number of commands executed, number of errors / warnings encountered, start time, end time, run time, total bytes downloaded, cache status, and number of URLs visited.

-- eValid Support
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