Can eValid test salesForce applications?

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

Can eValid test salesForce applications?

Postby PLouis » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:21 pm

Can eValid test salesForce applications? What are some of the issues?
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Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:17 pm

Re: Can eValid test salesForce applications?

Postby eValid » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:11 am

Yes, eValid can test SalesForce applications perfectly well.

We've got a number of users who are very pleased with eValid's performance in testing SalesForce applications.

Most of the time a recording "out of the box" with the standard settings will run right away.

Where problems arise in such tests usually have to do with synchronization, because the test at playback time gets out of synchronization with the application. In this case manually adding or inserting recordings with synchronizatino steps overcomes this limitation.

We have seen some problem in which strings have to have a leading blank because of the way the HTML is coded. For example, what you see may look like "THIS" but what the HTML has in it is " THIS". That extra space after the " and before the T is intentional!

In such a case you may have to add the extra blank into the recorded script so that the strings match up at playback time.

But, overall we find little difficulty in testing SalesForce applications.

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