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Recording the mouse position

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:31 pm
by damos
So does that mean eValid is recording the mouse position when the user clicks, not recording the URL executed?

Re: Recording the mouse position

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:41 pm
by eValid
Actually, eValid records actions based on events sensed in the browser and, as was illustred in the webinar, a playback can happen without the browser even being visible.

When you click on a URL, the browser has an internal "navigate to this page" event, and eValid captures this. At test playback time eValid sends this event to the browser -- and the browser takes care of navigating to the target page.

So, no eVaild does not record the "URL executed" but instead records the event that, at test playback time, will cause the eValid browser to reproduce the effect of the action you took during the recording.

The eValid Support Team