eValid's capability to analyze DOM changes

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

eValid's capability to analyze DOM changes

Postby glv2011 » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:18 am

How extensive is eValid's capability to analyze DOM changes. I have a page where I need to confirm a specific property of a specific item on a page. How's that done?
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Re: eValid's capability to analyze DOM changes

Postby eValid » Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:47 am

glv2011 wrote:How extensive is eValid's capability to analyze DOM changes. I have a page where I need to confirm a specific property of a specific item on a page. How's that done?

The DOM analysis and modification facility in eValid is "complete" in the sense that the required primitive operations needed to compose playback passages of any complexity are all present. You can read/write any DOM property value, move the focus of your test activity around on the current page, and store and retrieve values from local memory. All of the primitive needs are there.

To confirm a specific property value of a specific item on a page usually involves these steps:

(1) Find the sourceIndex of the item where your confirmation is to be dond. Usually you do this with IndexFindElement commands, and possibly with some IndexMove commands.

(2) Assuming that you know the name of the property you want to inspect and the value you want to confirm then you use a ValidateSelectedObjProperty command to generate a PASS or FAIL state.

If you want do the value check outside the browser context, then you can extract it with a ValueGetElement command and then a ValueSave command to write the value to a local file. Then, you can use any file difference utility to compare that value with what you expect.

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