To provision an eValid RIA test for safe execution

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

To provision an eValid RIA test for safe execution

Postby cEsteban » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:22 pm

What is the best way to provision an eValid RIA test for safe execution?
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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:19 pm

Re: To provision an eValid RIA test for safe execution

Postby eValid » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:06 am

cEsteban wrote:What is the best way to provision an eValid RIA test for safe execution?
As you may expect, that question doesn't have one simple answer.

But if there is a general rule it is, keep it simple.

The easiest to provision -- and the most-reliable tests in practice -- are those that are "desktop safe". You can tell if a playback is desktop safe if you first bring up the dashboard, then minimize the eValid browser, and press "Play" on the dashboard. If the script playback completes normally then your script is desktop safe.

What this actually means is that your script does not require any use of the is running entirely in the browser.

The reason this is important is that if you have two scripts running in parallel -- and in most monitoring scenarios you have several of these running in parallel so as to take the best advantage of the monitoring machine instance -- then they don't step on each other.

The provisioning after confirming that the test itself is reliable is a function of the partciular monitoring solution you are using. We have published interfaces for several of the most-popular ones (please check the product documentation for details). Each one is similar but they all differe in the details.

--eValid Support
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