They fail when I put them under scheduler control

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

They fail when I put them under scheduler control

Postby cRicky » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:47 pm

My scripts run great in the forground when I launch the playback manually, but they fail when I put them under scheduler control. What gives?
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Joined: Wed May 30, 2012 3:55 pm

Re: They fail when I put them under scheduler control

Postby eValid » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:36 am

cRicky wrote:My scripts run great in the forground when I launch the playback manually, but they fail when I put them under scheduler control. What gives?
That's not actually enough information to give you an exact explanation, but some of the answer may be in these points:

* It depends on the version of Windows you're working with. We have seen cases when batch files on one system work perfectly, but the same batch file fails on another system.

* It depends on whether your script is "desktop safe" (it doesn't require the desktop to run) or not. If not, then it could be that the scheduler launched playback has not been provided access to a desktop. Hence, the eValid script will fail (or in some cases, it will lock up and run to one of the many internal timeout limits.

In this case, you may need to launch eValid from a *BAT script that is launched from the scheduler. We have found cases when that 2-level launch provides the eValid with the resources it needs (i.e. desktop access) when a 1-level launch does not.

* It is a system properties and access control issue, and in this case you have to get the system administrator to help make sure that the running process has access to the resources it needs. Usually this is desktop window access, but we have seen permission problems and file access issues as well.

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