How a website responds to a mobile device?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

How a website responds to a mobile device?

Postby Tysonj » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:47 pm

What is the best way to set up eValid for monitoring how a website responds to a mobile device?
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Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:26 pm

Re: How a website responds to a mobile device?

Postby eValid » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:47 am

Tysonj wrote:What is the best way to set up eValid for monitoring how a website responds to a mobile device?
There are two parts to the answer here.

(1) To mask eValid's identify -- that is, to allow eValid to imitate a mobile device -- you use the SetUserAgent command before opening a subwindow, or you use the -AGENT switch on the batch (command line) interface.

Either way, the window so opened will henceforth be seen by the website from which you're getting your requests served as the named device -- that is, the device you've named in your UserAgent.

(2) To measure responses is also easy. Even when eValid is imitating a mobile device, the response times and material delivered from the server are the same as if you actually ARE an intance of the mobile device.

Of course, eValid is only imitating the device; but the server doesn't know that so it sends the eValid the SAME material it would have sent to an actual mobile device. 100% identical.

Remember, too, that you're communicating over the same data path -- over the web and all of the intervening machines and modems and wireless links and the like. So the response times from the server INCLUDE all of the transport times. Which is to say that the data is very realistic.

Typically we use the ElapsedTime command in eValid to read off the clock. But in some cases we use the SaveRecord command to construct a local file that contains detailed timing data.

--eValid Support
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