What is "Real User Monitoring" (RUM)?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

What is "Real User Monitoring" (RUM)?

Postby Lancea » Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:29 pm

What is "Real User Monitoring" (RUM) and how does it compare with transaction monitoring? Where does eValid fit into the RUM picture?
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Re: What is "Real User Monitoring" (RUM)?

Postby eValid » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:50 am

Lancea wrote:What is "Real User Monitoring" (RUM) and how does it compare with transaction monitoring? Where does eValid fit into the RUM picture?
It's not clear where the term comes from, but taking it on the surface, "real user monitoring" likely means to simulate how a real user employs a web application in a way that lets you monitor parameters that describe that operation.

In "monitoring mode," which basically is running a test playback with an eValid browser instance for purposes of collecting performance statistics, that is exactly what eValid does.

The typical meaning for transaction monitoring is the same: you are trying to measure, from an end-user perspective, how well an application performs from the end user perspective.

Another term that also fits in here is "end to end monitoring" -- meaning that the measurements made start and end at the user interface.

All of these variations on a theme are incorporated in what eValid does.

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