Does having Detailed Timings turned ON ever cause problems?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Does having Detailed Timings turned ON ever cause problems?

Postby allenn » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:40 pm

Does having Detailed Timings turned ON ever cause problems with tests of complex websites?
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Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:24 pm

Re: Does having Detailed Timings turned ON ever cause proble

Postby eValid » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:04 am

Fair enough question.

Yes, we have seen some websites where the tiny timing-only wrapper eValid places around every thread that is launched to retrieve a specific web page component DOES indeed cause some unwanted interactions.

This happens most often in sites that run on the HTTPS protocol rather than on the simpler HTTP protocol.

We've been trying to isolate why this might but, but so far no success. The problem is that it does not happen every time...and you know how hard it is to debug something that only shows up intermittently.

The simple solution is just to turn off detailed timings...then there'll be no problem.

If you are relying on the data from the detailed timings in the EventLog then you can put a timing wrapper in the eValid test script that sychronizes on the arrival
time of some element that is known to be inside the part of the page that arises from that particular element. That's just exactly like an AJAX synchronization step...with timing resolution to the nearest 10 msec (the maximum synchronization check rate).

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