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Monitoring Desktops

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:07 pm
by Tester08
Can I run any number of multiple desktops with my MULT feature key?

Re: Monitoring Desktops

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:10 pm
by monitoring
With your MULT key, you can run any number of parallel playbacks,
dependent only on the RAM on the machine.

* Scripts that are to be played back in multi-threaded monitoring playbacks,
or for multi-usr load test scenarios, may need to be "desktop safe"
to prevent one [or more] playbacks from interfering with each other.
The "desktop safe" mode for eValid playbacks is described here: ... .safe.html

* Here is a typical monitoring script template that is used to create
a time-band report for a multi-step RIA transaction: ... plate.html