Monitoring Agent Question

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Monitoring Agent Question

Postby EvelynM » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:04 pm

Good afternoon.

My team is interested in eValid Monitoring product, but some
of my teammates want to ask the following:

What's the reason(s) for having a monitoring "agent" station?

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:53 pm

Re: Monitoring Agent Question

Postby eValid » Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:47 pm

EvelynM wrote:Good afternoon.

My team is interested in eValid Monitoring product, but some
of my teammates want to ask the following:

What's the reason(s) for having a monitoring "agent" station?


Afternoon EvelynM.

Thanks for posting your team's questions on our forum.

The main difference between a monitoring "master" station
and a monitoring "agent" station is that the latter does
not have the capability to make a recording.

We generally discourage using a machine that is in use
generating data by running playbacks as a monitoring "agent"
for any other purpose. If you have the recording capability
you might be trapped into trying to re-record a function and
overwrite a script file. That's dangerous.

Instead, we strongly DO recommend that all script development
and checkout be done on a separate machine. We say this because
our experience is that a strong (resilient, non-failure-prone)
monitoring script may take many edits and trial runs to perfect.
Better to do this away from the production environment.

--eValid Support
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