Is eValid able to test images in a webpage

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Is eValid able to test images in a webpage

Postby GTorres » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:39 pm


My website has some pages that have images and I want to confirm that the correct image is showing?

Also, what happens if all I really need is to confirm a part of the images?

Please tell me how!

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Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:33 pm

Re: Is eValid able to test images in a webpage

Postby eValid » Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:26 am

GTorres wrote:Hiya.

My website has some pages that have images and I want to confirm that the correct image is showing?

Also, what happens if all I really need is to confirm a part of the images?

Please tell me how!


Thanks for asking on our forum GTorres.

Indeed, pages that have embedded images, usually with an <IMG SRC=(path)...> tag, can be verified, but there are some constraints on this.

First, the verification is done outside eValid with a component of the EXDIFF utility.

This is because images are only meaningful when shown in a Windows desktop.

The way you compare images is with the eValid command:

CompareImages "baseline" "response"

In this case the "baseline" images is the standard of comparison.

You can save it with a command like this:

SaveSelectedImage wid "name" idx "frame_path"

That you ran earlier to establish the baseline.

Now, if you really get fancy you can define a "mask" that tells the image comparison utility to disregard all pixels in the image OUTSIDE the specified sensitivity area, the image "hot spot".

-- eValid Support
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