Is eValid able to deal with secure websites

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Is eValid able to deal with secure websites

Postby SerenaS » Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:17 am


How does eValid handle "secure" websites?

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Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:11 am

Re: Is eValid able to deal with secure websites

Postby eValid » Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:50 am

SerenaS wrote:Hi.

How does eValid handle "secure" websites?


Thanks for asking SerenaS.

Websites which contain URL "modifiers" that preserve and enable the browser to maintain its current state is being used more and more in the creation of new websites for enhanced security purposes.

Each session modifier changes dynamically, a script recorded with an initial value would generate a different set of values on playback which would cause invalid sessions.

By default, eValid automatically adapts to each session by replacing the first occurrence of the Data IDs on the right-hand side of the URL in the script with the currently used and valid session ID.

For servers that manage sessions that use two or more different sets of session IDs, or that use one session ID but place it somewhere other than in the first position, eValid needs to be told the names that need to be replaced.

This is done through use of the SecureDataID command, which identifies and registers each unique DataID to allow eValid to track and make the appropriate modifications. eValid only makes the modifications when it detects a change in the registered Data/Session ID's.

A typical eValid sequence to accomplish this would be:

... (eValid commands) ...

-- eValid Support
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