Running eValid for a Windows Desktop connection

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Running eValid for a Windows Desktop connection

Postby ADromm » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:13 am

Good morning.

You can go into details about running eValid using Windows Desktop Connection Feature?
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Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:09 am

Re: Running eValid for a Windows Desktop connection

Postby eValid » Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:42 am

ADromm wrote:Good morning.

You can go into details about running eValid using Windows Desktop Connection Feature?

Thanks for asking ADromm.

As a monitoring engine, eValid can be set-up for use with the new Remote Desktop Connection Feature of Windows which allows a client user to connect to the Remote Desktop enabled host machine.

To set-up a remote desktop:

(1) Install the client software for the remote desktop connection.

The software is readily available from Microsoft's website.

(2) Enable the Remote Desktop Connection feature in the HOST machine.

Remember that only Windows users can be set up as hosts.

Connecting to the host machine:

Once the software has been installed and the host machine configured, start a Remote Desktop Connection by:

(1) Clicking: "Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Remote Desktop Connection".

(2) Enter the computer name to connect to. If necessary, configure the necessary options.

(3) Click "Connect".

(4) Once connected to the Remote Desktop Connection the client will launch a window which emulates the desktop, giving the user control of the host machine.

Users can now run monitoring scripts installed in the host machine.

However, the user must be aware of the current host environment as well as the constraints on running scripts which require desktop interaction or focus.

Minimizing the connection window in the client machine will cause the playback involving application mode or absolute commands to not be able to succeed because there is no desktop available in both the client (minimized window) and the host (log-in screen).

An Alternative

Because a Remote Desktop is a single user(locked) connection, this constraint is not applicable to VNC, where a user may minimize the connection window from the client machine and still be able to successfully run scripts containing application mode recording or requiring desktop focus because the desktop of the host machine is still active.

-- eValid Support
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