Some questions on using eValid during my monitoring runs

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Some questions on using eValid during my monitoring runs

Postby NancyF » Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:32 am


I'm running my monitoring runs starting them off from a bath invocation of eValid, but can I make the screen smaller or minimize it during the run?

Also, is there a way to automatically tell the eValid instance to die at the end of playback?

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Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:27 am

Re: Some questions on using eValid during my monitoring runs

Postby eValid » Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:07 am

NancyF wrote:Hello.

I'm running my monitoring runs starting them off from a bath invocation of eValid, but can I make the screen smaller or minimize it during the run?

Also, is there a way to automatically tell the eValid instance to die at the end of playback?


Good questions NancyF, there are commands for both.

To minimize the eValid browser during playback you put this command in the script file:

Minimize wid where wid is the number of the window (starting window is number 0 [zero]).

At the end of the script, you can use the command:

ExitNow or, if you like, anywhere in the script, you can issue the command: ExitAtEnd and eValid will shut down at the end.

-- eValid Support
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