Is there a way to know when a sync starts and finishes

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

Is there a way to know when a sync starts and finishes

Postby JimmyJ » Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:34 am


I'd like to check the following:

How can I figure out how long a synchronization step takes to complete?

Is there some way to mechanize this using eValid?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:28 am

Re: Is there a way to know when a sync starts and finishes

Postby eValid » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:27 am

JimmyJ wrote:Morning.

I'd like to check the following:

How can I figure out how long a synchronization step takes to complete?

Is there some way to mechanize this using eValid?


Excellent post, thanks for asking JimmyJ.

The eValid system has a command, TimeStamp, which writes the current timestamp onto a file.

Here is the manual page: ... stamp.html

The time written to the file is the current number milliseconds since the script started running.

If you organize your script this way:

TimeStamp myfile
(Synchronization step of some kind)
TimeStamp myfile

Then there will be two entries in "myfile" that show the current playback time just before you start the sync and just after it completes

Note that the sample in the cart shows you how you can use multiple TimeStamp commands to create a detailed timing record of a playback..

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