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Two (or more) instances of eValid running in parallel

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:56 pm
by alvinc
Are two (or more) instances of eValid running in parallel truly independent?

Re: Two (or more) instances of eValid running in parallel

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:50 am
by eValid
alvinc wrote:Are two (or more) instances of eValid running in parallel truly independent?
Yes, for all practical purposes two separate eValid instances run independently of each other, in separate workspaces, and with
individual (and independent) internal states.

The exceptions are when the activity in two (or more) instances involves either the desktop or the cache. There is, on any one user account, only one desktop and only one cache. So the independence described above is limited when a test playback relies on a specific session-independent item in the cache, or when the two (or more) sessions try to access the desktop for some reason.

We use the term "desktop safe" to indicate when a test script doesn't rely on the desktop. Also, in cases when you want multiple instances like a server loading run, we run eValid "cacheless" -- so that the two (or more) instances cannot interact through the cache becuase there is none.

eValid Loading Support