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More about the "duty cycle" speedup approach

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:35 pm
by kkody
Can tell me more about the "duty cycle" speedup approach that you talk about? How does it work and what kind of load multipliers does it get you.

Re: More about the "duty cycle" speedup approach

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:58 am
by eValid
kkody wrote:Can tell me more about the "duty cycle" speedup approach that you talk about? How does it work and what kind of load multipliers does it get you.
The duty cycle is the percentage of time your playback script is "doing something" rather than waiting around.

The amount of speedup you can achieve by manipulating the "think times" in your playback script depends on that percentage.

For example, if your script plays back with 25% active (75% inactive) your duty cycle is 25%. Therefore, if you remove the wait times then you effectively increase the load that script imposes on the server by 1/25% = 400%...a factor of 4.

It's the reciprocal of the duty cycle that becomes the load multiplier. All you have to do is change the "Wait Time Multipler" to 0 and you'll amplify the load to the maximum for that script (this assumes that your script is 100% self-synchronizing).

eValid LoadTest Team