Fully Synchronization

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Fully Synchronization

Postby engpro » Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:05 pm

We using eValid on our AJAX application, and we need to know how much work it is going to be to fully synchronize our scripts so that even when we go into LoadTest mode they won't mess up...
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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:41 pm

Re: Fully Synchronization

Postby eValid » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:20 am

engpro wrote:We using eValid on our AJAX application, and we need to know how much work it is going to be to fully synchronize our scripts so that even when we go into LoadTest mode they won't mess up...

The best methodology for testing an AJAX application with eValid is to "record from life" and then make specific adjustments to the script to account for potential de-synchronizations caused by the time-varying behavior of AJAX.

In practice, 99% of the time you can make your script AJAX-safe just use the Record > Validate > & Synchronize > Text String feature on a highlighted passage in the next page AFTER an action that you take that will induce AJAX behavior.

If you didn't do that, then the quick way to see where you need to add synchronization steps is to run the script "full speed" -- that is, with zero Wait times...that will reveal de-synchronizations immediately.

The eValid Team
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