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Use the "OnBeforeUnload()" method

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:35 pm
by Ismaelt
Have you had any experience with pages that use the "OnBeforeUnload()" method?What gives?

Re: Use the "OnBeforeUnload()" method

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:54 pm
by eValid
Indeed, we have seen some "funny behavior" on web pages that appear to be hand-coded to use such JavaScript-derived events as OnBeforeLoad or OnBeforeUnload. They seem to be an attempt by the web page programmer to outsmart the browser by sneaking in actions that the browser can't act on (or has to act on) before proceeding.

We think this may be an attempt at a security breach...someone trying to find a vulnerability that can be exploited.

So our recommendation is simple: try to avoid trying to build strong test passages for such pages!

eValid Functional Testing