Will eValid work on an AJAX App with autocomplete fuction?

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Will eValid work on an AJAX App with autocomplete fuction?

Postby CDucheau » Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:21 am


What about testing the autocomplete function on an AJAX application?

Can eValid do that?


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Re: Will eValid work on an AJAX App with autocomplete fuctio

Postby eValid » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:02 pm

CDucheau wrote:Morning.

What about testing the autocomplete function on an AJAX application?

Can eValid do that?



Thanks for asking CDucheau.

For the record, yes, that can be quite a trick feature to test.

But "can we do it, yes we can" applies.

Here is a detailed writeup of testing the autocomplete feature in a popular web search application:

http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... plete.html

The "trick" here is to look into the DOM after typing in part of the search term, and doing the validation direct from the DOM.

Hope that helps answer your question.

-- eValid Support
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