Questions on eValid JavaScript

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Questions on eValid JavaScript

Postby TMarcuse » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:20 am


A few questions regarding eValid:

Can eValid run a JavaScript program?

Can an internal JavaScript program accomplish AJAX synchronization and if so, why do you need to have "external" synchronization.

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Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:16 am

Re: Questions on eValid JavaScript

Postby eValid » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:03 pm

TMarcuse wrote:Morning.

A few questions regarding eValid:

Can eValid run a JavaScript program?

Can an internal JavaScript program accomplish AJAX synchronization and if so, why do you need to have "external" synchronization.


Thanks for asking TMarcuse.

Yes, you can trigger a JavaScript passage that is already loaded.

The command for this has a very simple syntax:

CallJavaScript wid "method [argument [, argument]]

Specifies the window you want to run from, the name of the JavaScript method, and any/all arguments that the method needs.

In concept you could write a JavaScript synchronization step this way, but JS is single threaded so you have to realize that when that step is running the rest of your AJAX application won't be.

As you can see from recent discussions -- just search for "JavaScript thread sleep" -- there is a way to set a timeout...but that's not the same as what eValid does, which is to interrogate the live browser from outside

If you need addition input, please contact us.

-- eValid Support
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