Can I use eValid commands to remove or alter DOM elements

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Can I use eValid commands to remove or alter DOM elements

Postby EugeneC » Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:10 pm


Can I use eValid's commands remove or alter the contents of a specific property of a DOM element?

Please explain how?

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Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:07 pm

Re: Can I use eValid commands to remove or later DOM element

Postby eValid » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:22 am

EugeneC wrote:Afternoon.

Can I use eValid's commands remove or alter the contents of a specific property of a DOM element?

Please explain how?


Thanks for asking EugeneC.

There are commands in eValid that let you modify the content of any property in any DOM element at all.

First, you have to find the element you want to modify if you don't already know the index.

If you know the index, the command is:

IndexSet index-value

Or you may need to search for it using, for example, the command:

IndexFindElement {parameters}

where the parameters are described here: ... ation.html

Next, you have to get the value you want into the internal variable "ElementValue" and you do this with the command:

ValueSet "string"

You can't actually delete an element (due to certain constraints in the DOM API) but you can set the property content to null with the command:

ValueSet ""

which is the null string.

Finally, you put the value you want into the property name you want in the DOM element you've found, with the command:

ValuePutElement wid name "frame_path"

However, Caution is advised. If you manage to set some DOM element property to something weird results thereafter in that web page are not guaranteed.

These steps are not for the weak of heart!

-- eValid Support
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