How do I create a test from scratch?

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How do I create a test from scratch?

Postby Axelps » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:06 pm

How do I create a test from scratch...I don't want to record, I just want to creat it and then play it back?
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Re: How do I create a test from scratch?

Postby eValid » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:44 pm

NO problem, really.

An eValid test script is a simple ASCII/Text file that contains simple commands like InitLink, GotoLink, Wait, FollowLink, ValidateSelectedText, etc.

You can construct these "from scatch" if you wish. The product manual has a complete command list with the required syntax for each command.

There's a built-in script debugger that helps out here, too. If a command is in incorrect form you'll get a message when you try to run the script that there's a problem with the particular command. You can look up the syntax directly from the script window. The idea of this is to NOT allow eValid to run a script that contains syntax errors...but of course there's now way to confirm the correctness of the semantics.

Once your hand-built script is ready just load it in the script window and press the Play button (F6 has the same effect).

But a word of caution...we have found over the years that it makes a LOT more sense to start with a script that is recorded from life...from the live application. In that case, eValid will constuct a sequence of commands that is kind of a skeleton of the script...and once the hard work is created it is quit easy to modify it to get the right results.
And, who knows? It could be that the recorded from life script works the first they so often do! And your work is done?

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