Can eValid validate the contents of a password field?

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Can eValid validate the contents of a password field?

Postby pBrennan » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:43 pm

Can eValid validate the contents of a password field? Can the field by hidden from view?
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Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:36 pm

Re: Can eValid validate the contents of a password field?

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:53 am

If the password field is visible, no sweat. You simply highlight the password and "Validate Selected Text," which is a command you can create in your script from the eValid GUI.

If the password field is processed by a local JavaScript program so tha the actual password is disguised (you see a series of dots or Xs), then validating it may be more difficult, but we have done that kind of validation as well.

No matter how disguised the password field is to the browser face, the brower MUST somehow send the password in plaintext -- as typed -- to the server for authentication. It may do this after encrypting it, but in that case the plaintext version of the password has to exist in the local browser memory long enough for the local encryption to occur. So, to validate the passord in this case requires monitoring a different DOM index/element and possibly a different element property/attribute.

This can be done with eValid's "structural testing capability," which gives you read/write and dynamic sync capability on any DOM element. See the product documentation for details, or contact us for a demonstration, because doing this take some real skill.

eValid Technology
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