To put in a NAV or a NO_NAV in a script

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To put in a NAV or a NO_NAV in a script

Postby Jaidenk » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:44 pm

Why do you sometimes have to put in a NAV or a NO_NAV in a script that was recorded from life?
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Re: To put in a NAV or a NO_NAV in a script

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:35 pm

The NAV/NO_NAV issue is a subtle one.

We had to make a decision about whether to include or not include this parameter, which is needed (or not needed) in the case when a browser event lands on an index that is backed by a JavaScript.

For all the commands that may need (or not need) the NAV/NO_NAV we chose the most common outcome -- to maximize the probablilty of a reliable playback. But we know that these choices mean that in some percentage of the cases the recording will be incorrect, and the tester will need to add/remove NAV/NO_NAV tags to get everything to work right.

Here is the manual page that details all of this information:

If you can't get your script to work give us a call and we'll sort it out for you.

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