Where do you see things going in the futures?

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Where do you see things going in the futures?

Postby Trenti » Wed May 15, 2013 3:59 pm

You've been in software testing for a long time, it appears. Where do you see things going in the futures?
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Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 3:55 pm

Re: Where do you see things going in the futures?

Postby eValid » Mon May 27, 2013 4:13 pm

Yes, we have been in software testing for many years. It's nice of you to notice! Also, long enough in this business to know NOT to do predictions about the future without a very strong basis.

In many ways, today's problems are 99% identical to last year's problems, and 98% identical to the problems from a decade ago.

Yes, there are new contexts, new platforms and new OSs...and a WIDE range of new applications.

But the fundamentals remain the same. Testing involves creating repeatable experiments that demonstrate something, either that an application has not regressed (or that it has), of that it responds in a certain way with certain content, or that it responds to a specific input within a certain amount of time.

It's the aggretate of a colleciton of such mini-experiemtns -- test cases -- that give you confidence in a product or application.

We all know that it is never going to be possible to "...try all of the inputs..." or to have a subset of inputs as tests that "...demonstrate correct operation..." Those desires, while it would be comforting if they could be obtained, all are technically impossible for one reason or another.

What remains is the simple truth that a set of well conceived, powerful and durable tests will give you confidence in a software product or web application when you run them and they all PASS. But the PASS outcome is not where the value is. The value is where one of the tests FAILs...that's when you know you have more work to do on your application.

eValid TestTeam
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