Help in overcoming my testing app problem

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Help in overcoming my testing app problem

Postby CorreyC » Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:43 pm


In our application, we have a confirmation dialog and on accepting it the Page will refresh and shows a Order confirmation number.

With Webdriver I tried to accept the alert by using alert().accept and also tried the Enter key with Robot class but in both the cases the Alert is accepted but the page is not refreshed.

I also tried to force refresh the page but to my surprise the steps after alert accept are not executed, I have steps for sleep and Object existence.

Please advise me how to get resolve this issue and get the page refreshed after alert accept.

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:39 pm

Re: Help in overcoming my testing app problem

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:03 pm

CorreyC wrote:Afternoon:

In our application, we have a confirmation dialog and on accepting it the Page will refresh and shows a Order confirmation number.

With Webdriver I tried to accept the alert by using alert().accept and also tried the Enter key with Robot class but in both the cases the Alert is accepted but the page is not refreshed.

I also tried to force refresh the page but to my surprise the steps after alert accept are not executed, I have steps for sleep and Object existence.

Please advise me how to get resolve this issue and get the page refreshed after alert accept.



Thanks for your inquiry.

As you know, this is not the WebDriver forum, but it is a good question and we'll try to answer it.

The question you are asking is, "How do I force refresh?"

eValid is fortunate in that, unlike WebDriver, certain window manipulation commands are built in.

One of these is "Reload wid" where wid refers to the window identifier. The home window for an eValid session is always window "0" and each opened sub-window is numbered 1,2,3...

The only thing you need to know is the window id number and you can force a window redraw (refresh) whenever you want.

Just FYI, there are other commands in this same group that do the obvious: FontSize, Maximize, Minimize, Resize, Reposition, etc.

-- eValid Support
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