Can eValid run from the cloud?

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

Can eValid run from the cloud?

Postby tysonm » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:29 pm

Can eValid run from the cloud? Can eValid test an application that is hosted on a cloud-based server? Any issues there?
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Re: Can eValid run from the cloud?

Postby eValid » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:12 am

Should be no issues in either case.

eValid runs from the browser, as a browser, and it can run on you desktop, from your local server, or on a web-based machine image. All you need is some version of Windows and the eValid executable and license installed on it.

And, eValid can test any web applications whose pages you can browse. This applies even if you have a machine that is isolated in a local network -- or isolated in a could-based virtual network.

The key questions are: (1) Can eValid read and render (that is, browse) the application pages; and (2) does the installation have write access (so you can write the recorded script and when you run it write out the EventLog that the playback generates). Given that you're good to go.

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