There are some kinds of human user actions

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There are some kinds of human user actions

Postby KJohnny » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:58 pm

It appears that there are some kinds of human user actions that you specifically don't record...why is that?
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Re: There are some kinds of human user actions

Postby eValid » Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:51 am

That's a very subtle question. How can we assure quality if web applications by NOT recording things? You'd think you have to record everything? Right?

Well, the way to think of this is to recognize that the purpose of testing a web application is to confirm that it is working OK...and actions that the user takes that don't affect how the application works don't have to be recorded for that to be true.

One example is scrolling on the page. eValid doesn't record the scrolling at all because that doesn't change the content of the page. Even when you can't see it...the page is rendered into memory and it is fixed (unless some AJAX makes a modification to it) so eValid doesn't record that kind of detail. Besides, if it did the test script woule be come very much longer, and harder (or maybe impossible) to maintain.

Another example is non-used key-down/key-up sequences, for example, when the cursor is outside an "input sensitive area" so that THOSE keystrokes are unnecessary to support the playback activity.

The guiding principle regarding what eValid records is this: Put as little detail in the test script so that the playback will actually reproduce the effective actions that the user took during the recording session. Recording too little is clearly wrong, but there's not reason to record more unless it is absolutely needed!

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