Using eValid to look for errors in a website

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Using eValid to look for errors in a website

Postby SSmith » Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:40 am

Good Morning.

Can eValid be used to document any errors?

This seems to be a great tool to check on an irregularities on a website being looks over.

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Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:27 am

Re: Using eValid to look for errors in a website

Postby eValid » Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:13 am

SSmith wrote:Good Morning.

Can eValid be used to document any errors?

This seems to be a great tool to check on an irregularities on a website being looks over.


Great question SSmith.

Yes, and in fact that is a common way eValid has been used in its own development.

When something does not work as it should, a recorded script that demonstrates the incorrect behavior of the web application is good documentation.

The advantages of having a recording that shows the incorrect behavior is that it is unambiguous.

When shown to developers or website maintainers the response we ourselves get is something like "Oh, OK, yeah. That's right. We'll get that fixed right away."

Usually no argument...and that's a good thing.

-- eValid Support
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