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Why is eValid so good for recording and playback functions

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:05 pm
by WilliamL
Good afternoon.

It looks to me as if eValid is pretty unique in having a test recording as well as playback functionality?

Can you comment on why that is so?


Re: Why is eValid so good for recording and playback functio

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:52 pm
by eValid
WilliamL wrote:Good afternoon.

It looks to me as if eValid is pretty unique in having a test recording as well as playback functionality?

Can you comment on why that is so?


Thanks for your question, WilliamL.

Yes, systems like WebDriver (which is part of the Selenium offering) focus on playback, and the idea is to leave it to the tester -- the programmer of the testing, if you will -- to do the creation of the test.

In fact, it is HARDER to get a reliable recording; much harder that playback is.

The main reason is that in playback -- driving the test with external inputs -- you have complete control of what's going on.

Not so with test recording, when there may be all kinds of things going on -- here, we mean all kinds of different events happening on your PC that have to be accounted form.

The eValid test recording system -- creating the test script live and in real time as you type or click on your PC -- was very much harder to build than the playback system, that interpretively executes the eValid test script.

Hope this helps.

-- eValid Support