On Chrome, can you do a record/playback tests

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On Chrome, can you do a record/playback tests

Postby JDaris » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:10 am


Here's one for you eValid guys!

Can you get eValid to record and play a session that is running in a Chrome browser tab?


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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:59 am

Re: On Chrome, can you do a record/playback tests

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:54 am

JDaris wrote:Morning

Here's one for you eValid guys!

Can you get eValid to record and play a session that is running in a Chrome browser tab?



That's a good question JDaris.

The main point is, are you testing how the Chrome browser works, or are you testing a web application as processed via the Chrome browser?

Testing a browser is different from testing a web application, which is what eValid specializes in.

So we have to assume you are testing a web application.

There are several architectural reasons why it is VERY important to keep all of the multiple browser windows (tabs) that an application may open in strict order.

That is why, in an eValid script, the browser windows involve are all numbered, starting from "#0" (the main starting browser), and increasing by 1 each time a new window is opened.

Here is an example page that opens a child window:

http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... indow.html

You can try this out; it's a live page.

If your test opens a first sub-window, #1, then actions you take in that windows are labeled in the script with "wid" set to 1.

The same for every sub-windows you open.

They are always numbered in order of their being opened.

Think of each sub window as a "tab" in a tabbed browser system.

At playback time if your script says to open #N and from there open #(N+!) and the close #N, that is OK.

But because eValid playback always starts at #0 you are 100% assured of accurate playback, because the sequence starts fresh each time.

Hope this helps!

-- eValid Support
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