Simple way to look up syntax of an eValid command

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Simple way to look up syntax of an eValid command

Postby RaffaleC » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:05 am

Hey eValid people.

eValid's really great...makes things easier, guess that's the idea.

But what I need is a simple way to look up the complete syntax of an evalid command without having to scroll through the documentation?

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Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:00 am

Re: Simple way to look up syntax of an eValid command

Postby eValid » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:31 pm

RaffaleC wrote:Hey eValid people.

eValid's really great...makes things easier, guess that's the idea.

But what I need is a simple way to look up the complete syntax of an evalid command without having to scroll through the documentation?


Hey RaffaleC.

Actually, urns out there IS a way to do this very quickly and conveniently.

You do it with a special command sequence that eValid recognizes.

Here is how:

(1) Open the script window; it will show the current playback script.

(2) Highlight a script command you want to ask about.

(3) Press CTRL-LeftClick+LeftClick. That is, press CTRL and then do a double left click with your mouse

(4) eValid will open a new window with the script definition right in front of you. Note that this is a specific position in the much larger script definition file, so you can scroll up and down to investigate other commands.

Thanks for asking.

--eValid Support
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