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eValid browser cache

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:27 pm
by Tuckerb
How many threads does the eValid browser use to download material into the cache?

Re: eValid browser cache

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:03 am
by eValid
Tuckerb wrote:How many threads does the eValid browser use to download material into the cache?
As you may know, the IE browser runs multiple threads inside a single page retrieval to take advantage of parallelism in HTTP GETs. In effect, each part of a page is retrieved independently -- a process that often produces significant speedups when loading complex, multi-component web pages.

The number of threads launched this way varies, depending on the page structure and a variety of machine-internal settings. The best we can determine is that the number ranges from 3-5. In later versions of IE the thread-count may be higher.

eValid Technology