Running a Playback with eValid browser mimimized

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Running a Playback with eValid browser mimimized

Postby BOrrison » Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:33 pm


What happens in eValid when I have a script that needs the desktop but I have the playback running with eValid minimized?

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Re: Running a Playback with eValid browser mimimized

Postby eValid » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:58 am

BOrrison wrote:Afternoon.

What happens in eValid when I have a script that needs the desktop but I have the playback running with eValid minimized?


Thanks for posting BOrrison.

That is a good question...let's review the whole situation.

(1) eValid can minimize itself with a built-in command "Minimize" and during playback it can un-minimize itself with the built-in command "Restore".

It can also maximize the browser using the built-in command "Maximize" but this is used only rarely -- you have to want this.

(2) In a pure-DOM-based playback it makes no difference whether the browser face uses desktop space or not.

Playback runs perfectly well with a minimized browser.

(3) If you have made a recording using Application Mode, then the recording is played back relative to the desktop, not to the browser face.

Here is the manual page summarizing this: ... .mode.html

(4) If eValid HAS to have the desktop then it will "restore" the minimized version so it can get to the desktop.

Assuming, that is, that the operating system version allows a process to "restore" itself automatically (some version make this an option that you have to "allow").

In summary, eValid takes care of all of the necessary cases!

-- eValid Support
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