Does eValid work with the Angular JavaScript enviroment

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Does eValid work with the Angular JavaScript enviroment

Postby JMendez » Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:06 am


I was checking on the eValid support pages but I didn't see any references for the following:

What about the Angular JavaScript development environment?

Supported with eValid or not?

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Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:03 am

Re: Does eValid work with the Angular JavaScript enviroment

Postby eValid » Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:51 am

JMendez wrote:Hi.

I was checking on the eValid support pages but I didn't see any references for the following:

What about the Angular JavaScript development environment?

Supported with eValid or not?


Thanks for asking about this JMendez.

The Angular JS is a system that is a sort of "add on" to what a browser regularly does.

Please see:

Because eValid is built with the browser components that are part of the IE browser that is co-located on the eValid installation machine, eValid respects anything that IE respects.

So, while eValid has no explicit support for Angular per se, insofar as IE supports Angular then eValid does.

-- eValid Support
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