Using eValid to extract everything on the page

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Using eValid to extract everything on the page

Postby JeffreyO » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:56 am


Is eValid able to extract the entire contents of a page -- including stuff that I can't see on the screen?

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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:53 am

Re: Using eValid to extract everything on the page

Postby eValid » Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:07 am

JeffreyO wrote:Hi.

Is eValid able to extract the entire contents of a page -- including stuff that I can't see on the screen?


Thanks for posting your question JeffreyO.

The contents of the DOM is fully accessible to the playback script.

You can use the command: ValueGetElement wid name "frame_path" which requires that you know the window id "wid" and the name of the property you want to extract.

The index you'll be extracting from is the current value of "sourceIndex" and that string that is extracted is stored in the internal "elementValue" variable.

Note that the string is extracted in plaintext so if it got encrypted on the way into the DOM element you'll probably have to decode it to read it.

-- eValid Support
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