Details in using a Windows command during a playback

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Details in using a Windows command during a playback

Postby CharlesM » Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:22 am


When running my test playbacks, I want to run a Windows command but how do I do that?

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Re: Details in using a Windows command during a playback

Postby eValid » Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:49 am

CharlesM wrote:Hi.

When running my test playbacks, I want to run a Windows command but how do I do that?


Good question, thanks for asking CharlesM.

Assuming that the command you want to run is known to your environment (that is, it is "on the path" of executables in your context).

Then eValid has two commands that you may want to try:

SystemCall "command and all its parameters"

SystemCallWait "command and all its parameters"

The difference is that the first version doesn't do wha the second version does, which is to WAIT until the command is completed.

Which one to use depends on your need.

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