Understanding how eValid profiles work

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Understanding how eValid profiles work

Postby HeleNoel » Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:32 am


Can you explain how to utilize eValid profiles?

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Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:21 am

Re: Understanding how eValid profiles work

Postby eValid » Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:28 am

HeleNoel wrote:Hello.

Can you explain how to utilize eValid profiles?


Thanks for posting HeleNoel.

Changing multiple options for different recording effects can prove to be time consuming and very annoying.

eValid has built in profiles which can store multiple combinations of preferences selected.

Follow the steps below in order to properly create and save recording profiles.

Note: The maximum number of profiles which can be saved in the registry is 32.

Exceeding the limit will cause the initial profile created to be deleted and replaced by the most current one created.

(1) Select the appropriate options in the eValid Preferences & Advanced Preferences menus.

(2) Click on the "Profiles..." button located at the lower left hand corner of the eValid Preferences window.

(3) Select "Save Profile" and provide a valid profile name.

(4) Click "Ok" to verify that the profile name is valid.

An error message is issued when a profile with the same name already exists.

(5) Click on "Apply/Save" to save the profile in the registry.

(6) To open a saved profile, follow steps 2 to 5 while selecting "Open Profile" in Step 3.

-- eValid Support
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