Can I open a tab in parallel while running my test scenario

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Can I open a tab in parallel while running my test scenario

Postby RiEvans » Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:41 am

Good morning.

How do I open the tab in parallel when I am executing my scenario?

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Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:36 am

Re: Can I open a tab in parallel while running my test scena

Postby eValid » Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:01 am

RiEvans wrote:Good morning.

How do I open the tab in parallel when I am executing my scenario?


Thanks for posting RiEvens.

In eValid there are no tabs, only sub windows.

This is the same as a new tab in the IE browser, but it is easier to keep track of the state of a playback when all new instances are treated as complete windows rather than simpler tabs.

The command you need for this is the following: NewWindow URL seconds [x y w h]

Creates a new minimally featured eValid browser window of default size [or of specified width w and height h at location x, y, in pixels] that renders the specified URL.

The value of the URL can be " " [that is, blank].

The window disappears automatically after seconds seconds [not milliseconds]. If time = 0 the window is persistent (but the user can close it).

The window inherits the UAS properties of the originating window.

New windows are numbered starting from 1, so later in your script this new windows going to be #1 (if the first sub window).

Once created and even after they are deleted they retain the same wid value throughout the playback.

-- eValid Support
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