Can eValid outsmart a webserver during transactions

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Can eValid outsmart a webserver during transactions

Postby SidneyEM » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:31 pm

Good afternoon.

How about trying to prevent a webserver from realizing that the browser with which it is being accessed is an automated browser?

Specifically, I intend to prevent a buying-selling webserver from realizing that it is being accessed from eValid.

Is that possible?

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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:20 pm

Re: Can eValid outsmart a webserver during transactions

Postby eValid » Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:15 am

SidneyEM wrote:Good afternoon.

How about trying to prevent a webserver from realizing that the browser with which it is being accessed is an automated browser?

Specifically, I intend to prevent a buying-selling webserver from realizing that it is being accessed from eValid.

Is that possible?


Thanks for posting your question, SidneyEM.

The way the server may know details about the web browser client is through the current settings of the User Agent String.


eValid has a command that lets you, the software tester, choose which value to put in this string.

Here is the command documentation: ... ation.html.

Once issued, the current instance of eValid will continue to report [to the server] the specified user-agent-string.

It will revert to the default value once that instance of eValid is ended.

Yes, this is a way for eValid to disguise itself as anyone you like.

We trust you to use this feature for good, ethical purposes, but yes, we understand it could be abused.

Hence this warning (and disclaimer).

-- eValid Support
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