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The Idea of Using a Browser as the Operating System

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:26 pm
by agljan
What do you think about the idea of using a browser as the operating system? Like in Chrome?

Re: The Idea of Using a Browser as the Operating System

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:38 am
by eValid
agljan wrote:What do you think about the idea of using a browser as the operating system? Like in Chrome?

Isn't Google already doing this? There is supposed to be a machine with the Chrome OS coming out soon.

So, this seems like a pretty good idea. "If it's good for Google, it must be good for America!" Right?

However, testing applications won't change much when the OS is the browser itself. The servers will still need to respond to what the browser has asked for, and in that case it is what is sent "over the wire" to the browser that is most important for assuring quality in a web application. Hence, the eValid approach of using a browser direct remains as valid as it always has, and quality assurance of web applications won't change that much.

The eValid Team