How well does eValid scale?

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

How well does eValid scale?

Postby xv5500 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:58 pm

How well does eValid scale? I'm using a competing product and I have to allocate an entire machine to just 8 parallel simulated users. Can eValid do better?
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Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:55 pm

Re: How well does eValid scale?

Postby eValid » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:13 am

xv5500 wrote:How well does eValid scale? I'm using a competing product and I have to allocate an entire machine to just 8 parallel simulated users. Can eValid do better?
On this point we believe that eValid does very well. A typical XP machine with 3 GBytes of RAM will support 100+ eValid browser users (BUs) without much difficulty. With a larger machine, using multiple users, we have gotten 1,000 users -- again without difficulty.

We have heard a lot recently about competing products...and how they tend not to scale very well. At least one customer we heard of said, "Well, those guys sell hardware, so if the "XXXXXXX" solution only gets 4-8 BUs per machine, well, they will sell you more iron, for sure."

The deeper question really is, how does eValid do it? The answer is, that eValid is a self-contained browser and does not use the expedient that many products use of making test playback occur through the JavaScript engine. Instead, eValid playback is direct, and immediate and does NOT interfere with JavaScript operations at all. This helps eValid handle AJAX even at those high scaling values. Better for you, more load for less $$.

eValid LoadTest Team
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