Your BU Estimates

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

Your BU Estimates

Postby asam » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:21 pm

Please say again your BU estimates as a function of the size of the driver machine?
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Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:18 pm

Re: Your BU Estimates

Postby eValid » Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:00 am

asam wrote:Please say again your BU estimates as a function of the size of the driver machine?
No problem.

For one user on a 3+ GB RAM "standard" PC running XP or Vista or Windows 7, you can get 100+ BUs.

For multiple users, you can get 100+ per user.

So we estimate 1,000 BUs as requiring a single machine that has the capacity to run 10 user accounts...but in reality that needs to be a fairly beefy machine if you are not to run out of RAM.

For our experiments and production runs for customers we use the Amazon Compute Cloud and on it one of the largest machines, which has 8 cores and about 65 GB or RAM. On such a machine we get 1,000 BUs without difficulty and the CPU utilization overall is usually never more than 25% or so.

eValid LoadTest Support
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