The most common kind of error you see in working with AJAX

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

The most common kind of error you see in working with AJAX

Postby dante » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:24 pm

What is the most common kind of error you see in working with AJAX applicaions?
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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:39 pm

Re: The most common kind of error you see in working with AJ

Postby eValid » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:29 pm

One thing to look out for is a message in the EventLog that says "Encountered script error" followed by a line number and byte count (offset).

When you see that the most likely cause is that the eValid playback engine has triggered some kind of even in the browser BEFORE the underlying JavaScript has had a chance to "settle down".

We enounter this a lot in login pages that are JavaScript supported and also with input fields that are real-time processed by local JavaScript.

This kind of missbehavior is the classic kind of AJAX desynchronization. A couple of blurbs...

* Here is an outline of a simplified approach for stabilizing an AJAX playback by recording text-item synchronization steps:

* Here is a page the outlines the standard approach for stabilizing an AJAX playback:

In rare cases you also get the above message when there actually is an error in your JavaScript. eValid detects and reports these but we know that IE sometimes uses its built-in error detectors (like it's spin detector) to just ignore such JavaScript programming mistakes. It's rare, but worth looking at the part of the JavaScript the EventLog message is pointing to just to be sure.

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