What OTHER sync problems do I have to worry about?

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

What OTHER sync problems do I have to worry about?

Postby winreg » Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:41 am

On my AJAX application I have the wait time problems all resolved with
little text syncs. What OTHER kinds of sync problems do I have to worry
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Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:40 am

Re: What OTHER sync problems do I have to worry about?

Postby eValid » Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:12 pm

winreg wrote:On my AJAX application I have the wait time problems all resolved with
little text syncs. What OTHER kinds of sync problems do I have to worry

The main problem the AJAX application class is the "A" -- the asynchronous nature of the application.

In most cases eValid scripts can be made immune to desynchronization problems through use of the DOM-processing commands that, in eValid, directly interrogate the current contents of the page's DOM. If you know how to build the right command, then you're home free: your eValid playback will always sync up correctly.

About the biggest OTHER issue is when the definitions of things change from day to day and from build to build. A good example of this is that an application built with Google's excellent GWT system will have a lot of problems if you are depending on ID tags having constant names. GWT assigns the ID tag names automatically, and then change often. In such a case you need to "pivot" your synchronization on some other attribute, and we have found we can do that in almost every case.

-The eValid Team
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