The Windows desktop event loop & the browser JavaScript loop

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The Windows desktop event loop & the browser JavaScript loop

Postby Adenr » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:48 pm

Do you know of any web pages that involve "races" between the Windows desktop event loop and the browser JavaScript loop?

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Re: The Windows desktop event loop & the browser JavaScript

Postby eValid » Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:12 am

That's a very subtle point you're raising.

Yes, we have seen some web pages in which the content of the page varies depending on whether the JavaScript completes a task before or after a Windows event-loop (a Windows action) completes.

But that is going to be very rare.

The one or two instances of this we've seen have to do with AJAX processing that gets out of sync with what the user is doing. In our case, this is seen as an ambiguity in behavior during an eValid synchronized test playback. The retry interval, which is controlled from the Windows desktop, was set to 100 msec (10 Hz) and the web page, an AJAX application, got out of sync and made a small change to the page between two successive interrogations of the DOM by eValid. So the test appeared to fail because the AJAX was too fast for the retry interval we used to synchronize. We fixed this by doing TWO checks to make sure that the one condition happened before the other condition, and we never say another de-sync again.

Please appreciate: If you have this kind of problem we want to know about it.

-- eValid Support Team
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